When you are an Au Pair it is very important to focus on your scheduling skills because the more organized you are the less you will stress and the more in control you will be of your own time management. This is a skill to have and any employer likes a well-organized employee.
The hardest thing is probably to get started! To get organized about your organization. You must choose the type of scheduling you want to do, hourly/weekly/monthly? For us it is easy to start with daily planning and then carry it over to weekly planning. Don’t micromanage yourself, these planners are guidelines and flexible at first so you can get used to them.
There are so many different types of resources to get the perfect planner for you simply google! If you aren’t old school and want to do your planning electronically you can download planning apps in your app store. There are free planners online that the family can use together to synchronize the planning of the different members some popular choices include Google Calendar, iCal, and Outlook.
Tips for weekly planning
Schedule everything according to a time block
Do the hardest tasks early in the day to get it out of the way
Be realistic
Set aside time to do your weekly planning!
Note any appointment of fixed obligation
Build in time for breaks and leisure
Create a manageable check list every day
Use your planner (and make notes)
When you are making your schedule do remember to put a time slot in per day for unforeseen events, just having 20 minutes breathing room for if something doesn’t go according to plan.
The family’s schedule is very important so that you don’t miss any planned events but there are a variety of other tools to help you organize. For example, you can make a Fun Summer Schedule for when the child(ren) are on holiday or even a reward chart, chore charts etc. Here is a fun daily planner especially for this Halloween. Take the BOOOOO out of planning!
